Color Resource Gallery


These photos illustrate my light design for Prelude to a Kiss, most of which was meant to reflect the feelings of its main character. I used strong gold against deep blue and purple colors to show the loving moments between that character and his wife, and pale, stark blues to show moments where his wife (who switches bodies with an elderly man) is not acting like herself. In addition, there were old-fashioned light bulbs hung from the ceiling.

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Color Resource Gallery


The photo is from the very last scene of recent tragic events in which the characters are about to learn the fate of Waverly's sister. There is also a puppet present

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Color Resource Gallery


Selected photos from the production of Shakespeare's As You Like It. Each color variation changed the time of day, and location during the show. All of these come from my time lapse of lighting, feel free to view it as well!
Photo 1- Set Warmer look
Photo 2- Act 1 Scene 3 Cold look for the Palace
Photo 3- Act 3 Scene 3 Warm look for the forest of Arden
Photo 4- Act 3 Scene 5 Colder look for another portion of the forest of Arden

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Color Resource Gallery


Used a R26 front light for a deep, moody effect!

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Color Resource Gallery


Red for Death, Greens for Money, Blues for Purity, Yellows for Poor

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Color Resource Gallery


I used R336 for my fill light and R33 as my key light to illuminate this scene of the Hot Box Girls performing a dance in the Hot Box. Photo by Matt Fowler.

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Color Resource Gallery


Many of these photos are from the famous "Rumble" scene in West Side Story. To convey the dark and ominous tone. I used Rosco gobo 77228 to create abstract and urban shapes with shadows to fit in with the abstract and urban set.

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Color Resource Gallery


Show Choirs from SUNY Oswego doing songs that became famous by performers int here 20's

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Color Resource Gallery


Director: James L Crow, Set Design/Decoration: Kurtis Lawler, Lighting Design: Arnold Ames. Colors: R73 and R21 side light, R58 down/back light and scenery wash, R52 front light, R57 scenery wash, R39 specials, R72 and R318 gobo projection. Gobos: 77404, 78035, 77220, and 78163.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


High sidelight and slight front light create the atmosphere of the sewer for Guys and Dolls

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