Color Resource Gallery


FOH over view

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Color Resource Gallery


Various production stills from my lighting design of Arthur Miller's A View From the Bridge at Pacific Resident Theater in Los Angeles, CA

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The Preshow look of Sarah Rhul's Melancholy Play.

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The main colors that are shown are a split gel of R09 and R66 I made to give off warm and cool tones to help give variation in the gobo and on the folds of costumes. The back cyc wall was where the director and I were mostly concerned with time of day, as it is easiest to change color on. I also had cool sidelights from stage right in R62, in case the show needed a blast of cool. This was also because the paint treatment was very warm and it helped cool it down when needed.

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Hecuba is lamenting the death of her grandson while the Chorus weeps with her.

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Each of these photos are moments in the show where I had to convey a flirtatious and sexual mood. As the show progressed into night, so did the sexual tension therefore, I used a variety of pinks and lavenders.

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In this picture, the refugee chorus is washed in side light as Anon considers his next move in a special downstage center.

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Photo 01 - the battle - explosions as the fight begins, set at night, I used breakups for main face light.
Photo 05 - at the gate, a night scene, lit with only breakups in a cool color and rich deep blue for back light.
Photo 06 - Warm breakups for front light with Cool blue and deep blue for back light.
Breakups used - R77779 and R77811

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Color Resource Gallery


Creating romance on a small budget

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Beginning of play. I wanted to portray the feeling of a closed, confined space in keeping with the director's concept. I also wanted to indicate the hope of a possible brighter future. R349 did this.

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