Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Blood Wedding
  • Lighting Designer
    Sean Campbell
  • Venue
    Oracle Productions
  • Producing Entity
    Ben Fuchsen

Rosco Colors: RC3402, R60

My goal for this design was to create a feeling of both natural and supernatural oppression. By using the RC3402 in my top light system I effectively created a dirty and hot look. The R60 I used in the high side systems gave me the ability to create a harsh contrast to the warm muted RC3402. The challenge that the director presented was to keep the light cues as dark as possible. Even in the intimate space I knew that the level he wanted would be too dark. The RC3402 effectively reduced the transmission 1 f-stop and allowed me to run at a higher intensity while maintaining the mood and stage picture the director wanted.

Production Credits:
Show - Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca
Company - Oracle Productions, Chicago IL
Director - Ben Fuchsen
Scenic Design - James Ogden
Lighting Design - Sean Campbell
Costume Design - Dechantel Kosmatka
Date - Oct. 9, 2011

Colors Used:

  • R60
  • R3402