Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Kelly Rudolph
  • Venue
    Forbes Center for the Performing Arts
  • Producing Entity
    James Madison University

The lighting concept for Machinal was "light as freedom." The lighting utilized color and position to create an environment around the Young Woman that shifted depending on when she was at her most and least free. When she was at her least free, her environment was cold, steely, sterile. When at her most free, she was bathed in soft, rose-gold light. The only time R01 was used was when the Young Woman was in a place of warmth, of freedom. That's also when R39, R18, and R02 were most present. When the Young Woman was in the office, or with the husband that she didn't want, R362 was an important feature.

Colors Used:

  • R39
  • R02
  • R362
  • R01
  • R83
  • R318
  • R384
  • R313
  • R95